
Evolution of Security — Development Discourse in Spain

Evolution of Security — Development Discourse in Spain. Moscow University Journal of World Politics. No. 2. 2016. Pp. 114-144.


The World Bank’s Engagement in ‘Fragile States’

The World Bank’s Engagement in ‘Fragile States’: Key Phases, Determinants, and Directions. Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2016. №2. P.145-181


Long-Term Technological Forecasting in the U.S. Military during the Cold War (1970–1980s)

Long-Term Technological Forecasting in the U.S. Military during the Cold War (1970–1980s). Klio. 2016. №10. Pp. 182-191


Emergence and influence of “cold war” over world politics

Emergence and influence of “cold war” over world politics. Contemporary Europe. 2016. №1. Pp. 26-39


Turkish-Israeli crisis (2010) in the context of Barack Obama's Middle East strategy

Turkish-Israeli crisis (2010) in the context of Barack Obama's Middle East strategy. Vostok/Oriens. 2016. №4. Pp. 141–150


Security–Development Nexus: Dilemmas of Conceptualization

Security–Development Nexus: Dilemmas of Conceptualization. Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2016. №1. Pp. 39-72


Germany: Interagency Cooperation in Providing Assistance to Fragile States

Popova O.P., Trunov P.O. Interagency Cooperation in Providing Assistance to Fragile States: The Case Of Germany. Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2016. №1. Pp. 107-140


Political Discourse on Security–Development Nexus in the European Union

Political Discourse on Security–Development Nexus in the European Union. Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2016. №1. Pp. 72-107


The African Vector of the EU Cooperation

The African Vector of the EU Cooperation. Mirovaya ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya. 2016. Vol. 60, no 9. P. 117-123


Long-Term Technological Forecasting in the U.S. Military

Long-Term Technological Forecasting in the U.S. Military during the Cold War (1950–1960s). Klio. 2016. Pp. 177-188


Features of use of the Bundeswehr in the war zones

Features of use of the Bundeswehr in the war zones: the concept of «discharge» and its practical significanceKlio. 2016. №7 (115). Pp. 162-172.


Dilemmas Of The US Third Offset Strategy

The U.S. Quest For New Techological Foundations Of Military Superiority: Dilemmas Of The Third Offset Strategy. Vestnik MGIMO-University. 2016. №3(48). Pp. 30-42.


Curtailment of Russia’s military presence on the territory of the «new Germany»

Curtailment of Russia’s military presence on the territory of the «new Germany» (1991–1994): progress and consequences. Klio. 2016. №1 (109). Pp. 145-154.


“Security - Development” - Nexus in the relations between the EU and the African countries

“Security - Development” - Nexus in the relations between the EU and the African countries. Asia and Africa Today. 2016. №6. 


Turkey’s strategy towards Afghanistan

Turkey’s strategy towards Afghanistan: Security and Development assistance. Vestnik MGIMO. 2016. №2(47). Pp. 80-90. (In Russian)


Counter-Terrorism in 3D

Counter-Terrorism in 3D: the Case of the U.S. Government-Funded Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership. USA v Canada: Economics – Politics – Culture. 2016. №1. Pp. 23-40


Germany and the EU policy of international development assistance

Germany and the EU policy of international development assistance. Contemporary Europe. 2016. №1. Pp. 51-63.


Security-development nexus in strategic planning in the Russian Federation

Kokoshin A.A., Bartenev V.I. Security-development nexus in strategic planning in the Russian Federation: From goal-setting to forecasting // Studies on Russian Economic Development. — 2016. — Vol. 27, no. 1. — P. 5–12.



‘The Iran Puzzle’ in the Israeli-U.S. relations. USA v Canada: Economics – Politics – Culture. №3. 2016. Pp. 57-69


Review on Ebru Canan-Sokullu lanham's book

Review on Debating security in Turkey. Challenges and Changes in the twenty-first century. ed. by Ebru Canan-Sokullu. lanham, md: Lexington books, 2013. 351 p. Oriens. 2016. № 2.


International Development Cooperation Policies

Impact of Macroeconomic Fluctuations on International Development Cooperation Policies: Paradoxes of Measurement. World Economy and International Relations. 2016. № 1 (60). Pp. 30-40