
Theoretical Aspects of International Development Cooperation

Teoreticheskie aspekty sodeistviya mezhdunarodnomu razvitiyu: istoricheskaya retrospektiva [Theoretical Aspects of International Development Cooperation: Historical Retrospect] // Moscow University Journal ofWorld Politics. 2013. № 2. Pp. 126–146. (In Russ.)


The United Kingdom’s participation in a conflict management in Africa

The United Kingdom’s participation in a conflict management in Africa: an evolution of approaches (1990s-2000s). Competition and Conflict in the World Economy and Politics. IMEMO’s series of Global Development. 2013. P. 35-46 (In Russ.)


Globalization and global government

Globalization and global government. Vestnik MGIMO-University. 2013. T. 32, № 5. Pp. 16–23. (In Russ.)


Globalization and Global Governance

Globalization and global governance: opportunities and risks. Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2013. № 3. Pp. 3–26. (In Russ.)


International Development Cooperation

International Development Cooperation. Set of Lectures / Edited by Bartenev V.I., Glazunova E.N / A. Abalkina, A. Abramova, V. Bartenev et al. — Moscow World Bank, 2013. — P. 340.


Russia’s Dilemmas

Dilemmy pered Rossiei v sovremennykh mezhdunarodnykh konfliktakh [Russia’s dilemmas in contemporary international conflicts] Lektsii i doklady chlenov Rossiiskoi akademii nauk v SPbGUP (1993-2013) v 3 t. / sost.,nauch. red. A.S. Zapesotskii. T. 1.Sankt-Peterburg, 2013. Pp. 242–253. (In Russ.)    


BRICS in Africa

BRIKS v Afrike: sopernichestvo ili sotrudnichestvo s ES? [BRICS in Africa: rivalry or cooperation with the E.U.?] BRIKS i Afrika: sotrudnechstvo v tselyakh razvitiya. Moskva, 15 maya 2013 g. Gl.red. G.D. Toloraya. M., Natsional'nyi komitet po issledovaniyu BRIKS, Rossiiskii Universitet druzhby narodov. 2013. Pp. 58-61. (In Russ.)   


Russia’s interests in the summit Group 20 (Saint-Petersburg)

Dolgosrochnye izmeneniya v sisteme mirovoi politiki i interesy Rossii v svete Sankt-Peterburgskogo sammita "Gruppy dvadtsati": Analiticheskii doklad Rabochei gruppy pod rukovodstvom akademika RAN, 6-go sekretarya Soveta bezopasnosti RF A.A.Kokoshina [Long-term changes in the World politics system and Russia’s interests in the summit Group 20 (Saint-Petersburg)] / A. Kokoshin, A. Torkunov, L. Anosovai dr.  LENAND Moskva. 2013. 48 pp.  (In this reportBartenev V. and Gromyko An.A. have participated as contributors) (In Russ.)     


BRICS, Africa and the EU

BRIKS v Afrike v konteksteinteresov EC [BRIСS in Africa through the EU’s interests] BRIKS – Afrika:partnerstvo i vzaimodeistvie. Otv. red. T.L.Deich, E.N.Korendyasov. M., In-t Afriki RAN. 2013. Pp. 271-288. (In Russ.)


Assisting Development in Central Asia Strategic Horizons of Russian Engagement

Bartenev V., Kazantsev A., Sergeev V. Assisting Development in Central Asia Strategic Horizons of Russian Engagement. RIAC. Moscow. 2013. 88 pp. (In Russ.)


Legislative support of Truman Point Four program

Legislative support of Truman Point Four program (1949—1950). Moscow University Journal of History. 2013. № 5. Pp. 52–71. (In Russ.)  


‘Traditional donors' VS BRICS

‘Traditional donors' VS BRICS:  divergence of cooperation’s models in the aim of development. Competition and Conflict in the World Economy and Politics. IMEMO’s series of Global Development. 2013. P. 78-86 (In Russ.)



The USA and coup d’etat in Iran (1953)

The USA and coup d’etat in Iran (1953). New and Newest history. 2013. №3. P. 100-117 (In Russ.)


Development assistance as an instrument of the Russian national policy promotion

Development assistance as an instrument of the Russian national policy promotion. Global Governance in the XX century: innovative approaches. Reports of the Institute of Europe.  291. Moscow. 2013. P. 27-31 (In Russ.) 


The British Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Policies in Africa

The British Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Policies in Africa (19972013). Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2013. №2. Pp.49-81 (In Russ.)


Global government

Global'noe upravlenie kak sredstvo kommunikatsii v mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniyakh, vozmozhnosti i riski [Global government as an instrument of communication in international relations: challenges and risks] // Dialog kul'tur: tsennosti, smysly, kommunikatsii. XIII Mezhdunarodnye Likhachevskie nauchnye chteniya. XIII Mezhdunarodnye Likhachevskienauchnyechteniya. SPBGUP Sankt-Peterburg. 2013. Pp. 63–66. (In Russ.)