
The Great Britain's 'Soft Power'

Problematika «myagkoi sily» i kul'turnoi diplomatii v politicheskom diskurse sovremennoi Velikobritanii: poisk orientirov v epokhu peremen [The Soft Power Agenda in the United Kingdom’s cultural diplomacy: a search of critical points in the century of changes] Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2014. № 1. Pp. 101-138.  (In Russ.)


Review of Joseph S. Nye's 'The Future of Power'

Hard Look at ‘Soft Power’ Critical Reflections on ‘The Future of Power’ by Joseph S. Nye. Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2014. № 2. Pp. 134 - 164 (In Russ.)


The E.U. and Africa

ES i Afrika na sovremennom etape [The E.U. and Africa in the contemporary world] Evropeiskiisoyuz v formiruyushchemsya miroporyadke (Mirovoerazvitie. Vyp. 12) / Otv. red. – Yu.D. Kvashnin, N.V. Toganova. M.: IMEMO RAN, 2014. Pp. 40-51.


Turkey's Soft Power

'Soft Power' in Foreign Policy of Modern Turkey. Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2014. № 3. P. 63–94.   (In Russ.)


The US Foreign Aid

Instrument obespecheniya stabil'nosti v strukture mekhanizmov vneshnei pomoshchi ES [The instrument of stabilization promotion in the structure of the US foreign aid] Evropeiskii soyuz v formiruyushchemsya miroporyadke (Mirovoerazvitie. Vypusk 12). Otv. red. Yu.D. Kvashnin, N.V. Toganova. M.: IMEMO RAN, 2014. Pp. 4–16   


Poverty, Hunger and Globalization

Nishcheta i golod - grani globalizatsii [Poverty and hunger - the verge of Globalization] Aziya i Afrika segodnya. 2014.№ 10. Pp. 8–12.


“Soft Power” and Law Power

“Soft Power” and Law Power: problem definition. Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2014. № 3. Pp. 3 - 20. (In Russ.) 



International development: a theory

Theoretical aspects of international development: contemporary discourse. Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2014.  № 2. Pp. 3–33. (In Russ.)


Internal determinations of using the Foreign aid’s instruments

Vnutripoliticheskie determinanty ispol'zovaniya instrumentov vneshnei pomoshchi: model' dlya sborki [Internal determinations of using the Foreign aid’s instruments: A model kit] Journal Polis. Political Studies. 2014. № 5. Pp. 153–166. 


David Cameron's politics in the Middle East and Africa

Pozitsii pravitel'stva D. Kemerona popovodu nestabil'nosti na Blizhnem Vostoke i v Afrike [D. Cameron’s government positions on unstable situations in the Middle East and Africa] Velikobritaniya v preddverii vseobshchikh parlamentskikh vyborov-2015. Doklady Instituta Evropy № 309. M., In-t Evropy RAN, 2014. 142 pp. Pp. 111-127. (In Russ.)  


The New World Order

O novommirovomporyadke, ili o bol'shombesporyadke [About a new world order or a big mess].Aziya i Afrika segodnya. 2014. № 12. Pp. 2–8. (In Russ.). 


Africa and the EU

Africa and the EU: Drifting Together or Running Counter? Key problems of the Dialogue at the Present Stage. / Africa’s Growing Role in World Politics. Moscow, Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014. Editors: Tatiana Deych, Alexander Zhukov, Olga Kulkova, Evgeny Korendyasov. ISBN 978-5-91298-147-0. Pp.60-70. 


The US International Development Programme

Vliyanie vnutrennikh determinant na raspredelenie resursov vneshnei pomoshchi v usloviyakh byudzhetnoi ekonomii: opyt SShA [The USA’s experience: influence of internal determinants on resource allocation of international development under the conditions of budget economy] Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2014. № 1. Pp. 52–100. (In Russ.)


The Great Britain's straight investment in the development of Nigeria’s (and Tanzania's, Senegal's) mineral-raw materials

Pryamye investitsii i drugie formy uchastiya Velikobritanii v razvitii mineral'no-syr'evogo kompleksa Nigerii, Tanzanii, Senegala [Straight investment and other forms of the United Kingdom’s participation in the development of Nigeria’s (and Tanzania's, Senegal's) mineral-raw materials]. Afrika: puti modernizatsii ekonomiki. Otv. red. E.V.Morozenskaya, M., Institute of Africa. Russian Academy of Science. 2014. 275 pp. 


Globalization as a process of cultural cooperation worldwide

Globalizatsiya kak protsess vzaimodeistviya kul'tur v mirovom masshtabe [Globalization as a process of cultural cooperation worldwide] // Dialog kul'tur i partnerstvo tsivilizatsii. XIV Mezhdunarodnye Likhachevskie nauchnye chteniya. Sankt-Peterburg, 2014. Pp. 52–55. (In Russ.)


The Great Britain's politics in Lybia, Mali and Syria

Politika Britanii v otnoshenii Livii, Mali i Sirii [The Great Britain’s policy in Libya, Mali, Syria] Dilemmy Britanii. Poiskputeirazvitiya. Pod red. Al.A. Gromyko (otv.red.), E.V. Anan'evoi. Moskva, «Ves' mir», 2014 g. Pp.421-440. (Chapter 21) (In Russ.)