
Africa as a theatre of the Cold War

Africa as a theatre of the Cold War: new themes in a scholarly debate on external intervention. Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2015. №4. Pp. 101-112


Germany's New Approaches to Security Issues

Evolution of the German Approaches to Security and Defense policies. Review on W. von Bredow's book 'Sicherheit, Sicherheitspolitik und Militär: Deutschland seit der Vereinigung' (Grundwissen Politik). Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2015. №4. 2015. Pp. 216-227


Israel, the US Israel Lobby and Iraq War (2003)

The influence of Israel and the Israel lobby in the United States on the orchestration of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The World Politics in the XXI century: Insights from Young Scholars. Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2015. Pp. 55–68.


The U.S.-Turkey 'model partnership' concept: New Opportunities for Russia?

Challenges of Implementation of the U.S.-Turkey 'Model Partnership' Concept: New Opportunities for Russia? // Rossiya i Turtsiya v novoi mirovoi politicheskoi srede [Russia and Turkey in the New Political Environment] / Gl. red. A.A.Orlov, otv. red.: V.A.Avatkov, S.B.Druzhilovskii, A.V.Fedorchenko // Materialy Tret'ei mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii ekspertov-tyurkologov (MGIMO g. Moskva, 27 marta 2015 g.). ‒ M.: IMI MGIMO MID Rossii, 2015. ‒ Pp. 35-44. (In Russian)


Security and Development: postmodernist interpretation

The “security–development” link as an element of political discourse: postmodernist interpretation. Pathways to Peace and Security. 2015. 2(49). Pp. 52-56


Donors and the Global South

Review on Handbook of international security and development. Ed. by Paul Jackson. International Process. 2015. № 4 (13). Pp. 178-182


The UN and the Global Development Agenda

The UN and the Global Development Agenda. Lessons from the Past and the New Objectives for 2016-2030. The 70th Anniversary of the First UN Assembly and current chanllenges to International Security. Vol. 321. Reports of Institute of Europe. Moscow. 2015. Pp. 58–67.


Russian-Germany cooperation in military conflicts resolution

Russian-Germany cooperation in military conflicts resolution 2005-2009. Russia and the Contemporary World. 2015. №4


Security and Development

 Security and Development: dialogues. Pathways to Peace and Security. 2015. №2. Pp. 44-51


Germany and the Iraq political-military crisis (2003)

Germany and the Iraq political-military crisis (2003). Contemporary Europe. 2015. №3. Pp. 80-90


The US and coup d'etat in Guatemala

 The US and coup d'etat in Guatemala 1954. Diplomatic Service. 2015. №6. P. 51-68


New Initiatives of the U.S. DoD.

Kokoshin A.A., Bartenev V.I., Veselov V.A. Launching a Revolution in Military Affairs in the Age of Austerity: New Initiatives of the U.S. DoD. The USA * Canada: economics, politics, culture [SShA -Kanada: ekonomika- politika-kul'tura]. №11 (551)


The United Nations: history and modern times

The United Nations: history and modern times. Saint-Peterborough. SPGUP University. Lecturers. Vol. 170. 2015.


The Global Sustainable Development Agenda to 2030

Inclusion of Peace, Security, and Governance Targets in the Global Sustainable Development Agenda to 2030: Decomposing Intergovernmental Negotiations. International Organisations Research Journal. 2015. №3. Pp. 7-32 (In Russ.) 


The Evolution of German's politics in Ukraine

The Evolution of German's politics in Ukraine (2013-2015)Moscow University Journal of World Politics. 2015. № 2. Pp. 126-154


Mashall Plan for Afganistan

Mashall Plan for Afganistan: paradoxes of implementation. SShA -Kanada: ekonomika- politika-kul'tura. 2015. № 7. P. 54–73. (In Russ.)


The USA and Israel in 1960s

 The USA and Israel in 1960s: the Source of Special Relations. New and Newest history. 2015 №3. Pp. 113-127


Russia's Foreign Assistance Programme

Sodeistvie mezhdunarodnomu razvitiyu kak instrument vneshnei politiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii: uroki ukrainskogo krizisa [Foreign Assistance as the Russian Foreign Policy's tool: Ukranian crisis lessons]. Vyzovy dlya Rossii v menyayushchemsya mire a(Mirovoe razvitie. Vypusk 14) / Otv. red. – Yu.D. Kvashnin, N.V. Toganova, E.V. Shumitskaya. — T. 14 iz Mirovoe razvitie. — IMEMO RAN Moskva, 2015. — S. 76–91. (In Russ.)


Soft Power

'System Approach' to Soft Power. International Process. 2014. Vol. 13. № 2. Pp. 96 - 105. (In Russ.)


The US National Security Strategy (2015)

«Strategiya natsional'noi bezopasnosti SShA» 2015 goda: ot vseob"emlyushchego k selektivnomu vovlecheniyu i sderzhivaniyu [The US National Security Strategy (2015)”: from comprehensive to selective engagement and containment]. Put' k miru i bezopasnosti. №1 (48). 2015 (In Russ.)


The Golden century or the End of history?

"Zolotoi vek ili konets istorii?" [The Golden century or the End of history?] Natsional'nyi kontrol'.2015.


The US-Turkey Strategic Partnership during G.W. Bush administration

USA-Turkey: Strategic Partnership during G.W. Bush Administration. Vostok (Oriens). 2015. № 4. Pp. 113–122